Troop Committee
Troop Committee
The Committee is the Troop's administrative body. It is made up of all the parents of the Scouts' who serve to provide organization for Scouting activities. The Committee Chair presides over Committee Meetings and many Troop functions are delegated to Committee Members holding specific positions, such as Treasurer and Advancement Chair. Committee Members may be registered with the Boy Scouts of America, and all are encouraged to take the basic Scout Leader Training.
The Committee's primary responsibility is to support the Scoutmaster and the Troop Leadership in running a successful, safe, and sound program. The Committee oversees the Troop's program and activities, ensures that proper leadership is provided for the Scouts, and sees that the Troop has adequate equipment, meeting facilities, funds, etc. In performing these functions, the Committee supports the Scoutmaster in four areas: Program Planning, Advancement, Outdoor Program and Administration.
Program Planning
The Patrol Leaders' Council, made up of the Scouts who hold leadership positions within the Troop, is responsible for planning the Troop's Scouting program, while the Scoutmaster is responsibility for making sure that the program is carried out as it should be. However, the Troop Committee supports the Scoutmaster in delivering a quality program by reviewing the PLC's proposals to ensure that the necessary support, equipment, and funding exists, and the proposed activities do not violate the Guide to Safe Scouting or other BSA guidelines.
The Troop Committee does not communicate with the Patrol Leaders' Council and Scouts directly, but interacts with them through the Scoutmaster. The Committee also advises the Scoutmaster on policies relating to Boy Scouting.
The Committee should is responsible for informing Parents of the Troop Program and enlist their support of that program. In addition, the Committee provides other necessary support, such as finances, transportation, equipment, and Leadership to ensure that the program is successful, whether it is for Troop Meetings, activities, or special events.
The Troop Committee oversees and supports the Advancement Program by conducting Boards of Review for Rank Advancement, obtaining badges and awards, keeping accurate Advancement records, and ensuring that Courts of Honor are planned and carried out to recognize advancing Scouts ceremonially.
Outdoor Program
The Troop Committee is responsible for ensuring that the Troop provides a camping and outdoor program with a minimum of 10 days and nights per year. Support for the outdoor program comes by recruiting leadership for Summer Camp, encouraging the Parents' support of the Troop's outdoor program, providing transportation for tours and camps, filing necessary tour permits and by promoting standards of safe and healthful experiences for Troop.
The Committee handles a wide variety of administrative functions. It is responsible for assisting in the selection of the best person to serve as Scoutmaster, and to ensure that additional quality Adult Leadership is recruited and trained as Assistant Scoutmasters.
The Committee manages all Troop funds and approves expenditures in line with an approved budget plan. The Treasurer pays all approved bills, maintains savings and expense records, and informs the Committee the Committee of any financial matters related to Troop budget.
The Committee ensures that the Troop has an adequate meeting place for weekly Troop Meetings and other activities. It also supports the Troop Quartermaster by assigning an Equipment Chair to assist with procurement, storage, inventory and repair of Troop equipment. Other Committee members are responsible for sending out meeting notices, recording meeting minutes, re-registering the Troop with the BSA, and running its recruiting plan.
The Committee assumes responsibility for all these tasks so that the Scoutmaster does not become overburdened with administrative and support needs, and allows him Scoutmaster to concentrate on bringing the Scouting program to the boys in the Troop.
Committee Chair
The Committee Chair assists the Scoutmaster with the overall program. Their emphasis is administration, Troop operation and recharter. The Committee Chair is responsible for coordinating efforts between the various Troop Committee positions and presides over the Troop Committee Meeting (see the Troop Committee Guidebook, No. 616928). He also assists with the Eagle Project/Eagle Application approval process.
Specific Duties:
Organize the Committee to see that all functions are delegated, coordinated, and completed.
Work closely with the Scoutmaster to prepare the Committee Meeting agenda.
Call, preside over, and promote attendance at monthly Troop Committee Meetings and any special meetings that may be called.
Secure topflight, trained people for Adult Leadership.
Maintain a close relationship with the Charter Organization Representative and the Scoutmaster.
Be familiar with local and national BSA policies.
Ensure Troop representation at monthly roundtables.
Assist in the recruitment of the best individuals available for Scoutmaster and Assistants.
The Secretary is responsible for keeping minutes of Troop Committee Meetings.
Specific Duties:
Keep minutes of Committee Meeting. At each meeting, report the minutes of the previous meeting.
Sends out committee meeting notices.
Advises and sets goals for the Scribe, Historian, & Librarian.
Conducts the troop resource survey.
The Troop Treasurer maintains all Troop finances, collects dues and fees, pays Troop bills, and provides a written report of income and expenses at the regular Troop Committee Meetings. At the beginning of each activity year, the Treasurer and the Scoutmaster prepare a summary of the previous year's income and expenses and prepare a proposed budget of all projected income and expenses for the coming year, for review and approval by the Troop Committee. The Treasurer guides and assists the Committee in conducting a simple annual audit of the previous year's income and expenses.
Specific Duties:
Handle all Troop funds. Pay bills on the recommendation of the Scoutmaster and authorization of the Troop Committee.
Maintain Troop checking and Scout savings accounts.
Train and supervise the Troop Scribe in record keeping.
Supervise the Scout savings accounts.
Lead in the preparation of the annual Troop budget.
Keep adequate records of revenues and expenses
Outdoor Activities Chair
The Outdoor Activities Chair promotes and ensures an Outdoor Program with the goal of ten cumulative days and nights of campouts per year.
Specific Duties:
Recruit "Event Chairs" and Adult Leaders for coordinating and leading, respectively, individual outdoor events.
Promote attendance at Troop campouts, District Camporees and Summer Camp.
Maintain a liaison with the Scoutmaster and Committee Chair to avoid scheduling conflicts between outdoor events and other Troop activities.
Assist Advancement Chair with arranging annual Troop Advancement Camp.
Assist individual Outdoor Event Chairs, as needed.
Assist Equipment Coordinator with Troop equipment responsibilities, as needed.
Advancement Chair
The Advancement Chair is responsible for the maintenance of the official records of the Troop for Scout Advancement. The duties require him to be satisfied and certify that the requirements for each Advancement have been met, at which time he will certify the Scout eligible for a Scoutmaster Conference and coordinate a Board of Review for the eligible Scout.
Specific Duties:
Encourage all Scouts to advance in rank.
Work with the Troop Scribe to maintain all Scout Advancement records.
Arrange Troop Boards of Review
Make a prompt report on the correct form to the council service center when a Troop Board of Review is held, and secures badges and certificates
Work with the Eagle Project/Eagle Application approval process
Work with the Troop Librarian to build and maintain a Troop library of merit badge pamphlets.
Coordinates the troop's merit badge counselor list and the merit badge program.
Training Chair
The Training Chair is responsible for developing Adult and Youth Leaders through training programs. This includes Fast Start Training for new Parents; Guide to Safe Scouting: Youth Protection Training; Advancement Guidelines Training; Safe Scouting Guidelines Training and promoting Safe Swim Defense; Safety Afloat; Boy Scout Leader Training and Wood Badge.
Specific Duties:
Ensure Adults and Scouts are made aware of training opportunities.
Work with the district training team in scheduling Fast Start training for all new Leaders.
Be responsible for BSA Youth Protection training within the Troop.
Maintain an inventory of up-to-date training materials, videotapes, and other training resources.
Encourage periodic Youth Leader training within the Troop and at the council and national levels.
The Chaplain is responsible for promoting the pursuit of the 12th point of the Scout Law: "A Scout Is Reverent".
Specific Duties:
Provide a spiritual tone for Troop Meetings and activities.
Give guidance to the Chaplain Aide.
Promote regular participation of each Troop member in the activities of their church.
Visit homes of Scouts in time of sickness or need.
Encourage Scouts to earn their appropriate religious emblems.
Charter Organization Representative (COR)
The Charter Organization Representative is the liaison to Takoma Park Presbyterian Church. They are responsible for communication and coordination with the Church on behalf of the Troop.
Specific Duties:
Serves as a liaison between the Takoma Park Presbyterian Church.
Provides meeting place for Troop Meetings and storage of Troop equipment.
Maintains a close liaison with the Committee Chair and the Scoutmaster.
Helps recruit other Adult Leaders.
Assists with unit re-chartering.
Encourages service to the organization.
Approves all Adult Leader applications.
Communications Chair
The Communications Chair is responsible for contacting members of the Troop and/or Troop Committee as well as Parents of the Scouts for all activities such as meetings, campouts/outings, training and service events, etc. Communication is primarily made through e-mail.
Specific Duties:
Ensure that all communications to the Troop have been approved by the Committee Chair.
Maintains Troop e-Mail distribution list.
Distributes all Troop-wide e-mails.
Equipment Coordinator
The Equipment Coordinator is responsible for procurement and maintenance of Troop equipment.
Specific Duties:
Supervise and help the Troop procure camping equipment.
Work with the Quartermaster on inventory and proper storage and maintenance of all Troop equipment.
Make periodic safety checks on all Troop gear, and encourage Troops in safe use of all outdoor equipment.
Webelos Transition Coordinator
Encourages Webelos Scouts to make the transition into Boy Scouts and join the troop.
Specific Duties:
Invite all Webelos Scout families to assist with Troop Program.
Arrange for proper welcome of Webelos Scouts graduating into the Troop.
Conduct Parent orientation for new families.
Fundraising Chairs
Fundraising Chairs research and recommend individual fundraising projects to meet the Troop's financial needs.
Specific Duties:
Determine fundraising opportunities in which the Troop can and will participate
Ensure fundraising activities meets BSA guidelines.
Coordinate the execution of all fundraising events.
Obtain Troop Committee approval for all fundraising projects.
Maintain a liaison with the Scoutmaster and Committee Chair to avoid scheduling conflicts with other Troop activities.
Outdoor Event Chairs
Each outing is planned by an Outdoor Event Chair, who secures reservations for Troop campouts, coordinates transportation, processes tour permits and necessary paperwork required to conduct the Outdoor Program.
Specific Duties:
Secure permission and reservations to use camping sites and facilities.
Coordinate with the Treasurer to ensure camping fees are paid.
Secure Tour Permits.
Promote the Event at several Troop Meetings.
Prepares event flyer for the Communications Chair to distribute to the Troop.
Attend Troop Meetings when permission slips are due and collects them.
Attend Troop Meetings when outing fees are due and works with the Troop Scribe in the collection of those fees.
Serve as Transportation Coordinator.
Unit Membership Chair
The unit membership chair is appointed by the committee chair to help ensure a smooth transition of new Scouts into the unit and orientation for new parents. Responsible for recruiting campaigns and for year-round recruitment, growth and retention.
Specific Duties:
Work with Cub Scout packs to make a smooth transition of Webelos Scouts from pack to troop.
Encourages older Scouts in the troop to particiapte in the troop's high adventure program.
Help with the crossover ceremony of new Scouts.
Plan and coordinate the troop/team open house.
Assist in the orientation of new Scouting parents.